Kap'n Kold - Woke up and Ya Game Was Gone | Foxarocious Music
Listen to "Woke Up (And Ya Game Was Gone)" by Kap'n Kold and Foxarocious below!

"Woke Up (and Ya Game Was Gone)" produced by Foxarocious
Released: 7/5/2021
Producer's Note:
This was a fun one I did that started as a street beat and turned into a fun song after Kap'n Kold did his "Tough guy" voice over it.
Or it might just be how he talks.
He says he only wants to release music in the winter because he's "allergic" to the sun. I wonder if he knows that the sun is out all year here 🤣🤣. Maybe he meant the heat. He doesn't strike me as the vampiric type. I asked him if he was a mutant and he responded with "something like that" (paraphrasing).
Then again, I haven't seen his face...and I met him in a Wondrous Cave. He's usually covered up in a big jacket and wearing a ski mask and goggles.
Man, the people(?) you find in Pyramid City...
Stay Crimson,
[P.S.: Multiverse Music Vol 2 is OUT NOW]
Credits: Artist - Kap'n Kold • Producer/Engineer - Foxarocious