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Marvel Comic Con 2022 Rumors! And Nintendo buys animation studio - Panel of Frames Podcast 05

San Diego Comic Con is upon us! Marvel movie rumors are EVERYWHERE! Is The Homelander coming to the MCU? What is Nintendo gonna do with their own animation studio and what is up with the new Trigun Stampede movie?

Let's get into it!


Panel of Frames - Episode 05 Full Transcription

Bro slow down. You tell Nintendo bought an animation studio. Oh, we gotta talk about that. Meanwhile, at San Diego comic gun, there are tons of rumors of what Marvel's gonna show is Stephen Spielberg, directing fantastic for. Is the Homeland gonna be Dracula? Are they really gonna do this? And we also need to talk about Jojo stone, ocean park two, and try gun stamp P three E cuz I, I have, I have thoughts on that.

It's all happening. Welcome to panel frames.

What is up guys, welcome back to the panel of frames podcast. I'm your host Fox, your ferocious Fox himself. Let me tell you what we, what we doing here last time we were here, we talked about PlayStation movies. Uh, we talked about, um, miss Marvel, a little bit of this Marvel by now. If you're not caught up on miss Marvel, maybe you don't care, but there probably will be spoilers.

in the next section for the. Because I'm gonna be talking about Marvel. As you know, we love talking about Marvel movies here. We, we wanna talk about DC movies, but I, they can't quite get it. Right. So before we get into that, let me tell you how you can support us. You can download the show you can follow, and you can share the podcast with your other nerdy friends, your nerdy, geeky, friends.

And, uh, let us know what's going on with you. Eventually we will have a contact section on our website panel of, where you can sign up for the emails. We're doing the email stuff. Now you ain't, we ain't playing with y'all. You can sign up down there. And you will know when new news episodes come out, I'm not gonna be blasting y'all for the audio commentaries for those, um, re watches that we do, but for the news episodes and other discussions that you might be able to take apart in, we're gonna be blasting you guys in the emails.

So get ready, get said, uh, I said, get steady or steady. I was gonna get set and steady and let's get it in our. Topic. It seems to be Marvel EV for the last three or four weeks. I'm just very interested in this universe that they've built in the movies. And I'm interested in seeing how they adapt certain things and certain things that people are really, really excited about.

And that's why I keep talking about it. But this time, this time it's very specific. Okay. We have. Comic con San Diego comic con 2022. As of this recording, I believe it is a week away or it is this weekend. I honestly don't know. We were talking about, we're gonna be talking about ninja turtles later and how I did not know that that game was even out.

But for right now, comic con is on the way. And every time there is any type of con, there will be rumors, the rumor mill. And this is exciting because even if these things don't turn out to, you know, be real or come to fruition, I just like talking about it. And I like talking about the possibilities. So there was a lot of rumors coming out of Marvel.

ComicCon because they don't do ComicCon like that. They'll just do D 23, which is Disney's own event, or they'll just announce things on Twitter. We already know that they're bringing an Xmen 97 animated series to ComicCon. We know that they come, they come in with whatev season two and they're coming with, I forgot the third thing I honestly forgot the third thing they were coming with, but oh, Marvel zombies, cuz we know next to nothing about it, but let me get to these rumor.

Y'all because some of them are like what? And some of them are like, Hmm. All right. We're gonna start with Steven Spielberg, possibly directing fantastic. Four. Let me tell y'all that I do not want this to happen at all. So I hope this is not a real rumor. People are like, oh, Steven Spielberg, what a name he did, et.

He, he helped. Back to the future. And he helped with, yes, that was like three decades ago, bro. That was . That was a long time ago. All right. I haven't seen west side story. He directed a new west side story and I think his style will go well with that. And I think his style will go well with something Marvel, but I do not want him doing fantastic four.

I, I really don't because I guarantee you, the person that did the first, uh, Fanta had not Roger Corman, but the one that was in the early two thousands, 2000. That fantastic for our, it seemed like whoever directed that was inspired by Steven Spielberg's style. So we already have a semblance of, of that.

And Spielberg is not who he was 20 years ago, so I don't want him to direct fantastic for maybe something else, but not fantastic for, could he do it? Yeah. Uh, I'm just iffy about it. The next rumor, Anthony Starr, the home lender as Dracula. I don't think this is happening because he is. I, when I see him, when I see him pop back up somewhere else, I want him to look entirely different because Anthony star by himself looks too much like the Homeland, like in normal life.

So whenever he pops back up, I want them to put some makeup on him or something like that. So him as Dracula, if he does come back for that, I, I want to see him in some sort of other get up than what he we're used to seeing him in. I don't want him to look like the Homeland if he was bit by a vampire. So , but the, the chances of this.

Are, I don't know. They're weird. I'm gonna say slim because he's filming the boys season four and he's a big part of the boys. So he's going to be pretty integral to that filming process. And they start filming season four of the boys in August. And that's, that is as of this recording that's next month, they're gonna start filming the boys season four, probably so we can get it next year, because we were like weirded out by the whole pandemic.

we had to skip a lot of seasons of things because they couldn't, they literally couldn't get together to film it. So is he gonna be Dracula? That will be funny. but I don't, I don't, I don't see it. Wonder man series. This, this rumor came out a few, I guess weeks ago, we didn't know it was part of a STCC, but this rumor came.

Saying that they're making a wonder man series and I'm, to me, that's like, okay, um, I'm not a huge, whoa, Wonderman stand. Are there Wonderman stands. I don't, I don't know any Wonderman super fans. So it's interesting that they would do this. The only thing I can think of, if this is true is that they would be creating something to stealth, introduce somebody else through.

That's the only thing I can think of for one thing in one. Uh, the vision white vision, they call him white vision, the transparent vision, whatever you wanna call him. He now has the memories of our vision that died in infinity war. He has the memories and emotions, presumably emotions, and he flew away.

and we don't know where he is. He wasn't in Dr. Strange. He wasn't anywhere to be found. He's just gone now. So I guess Wonderman series would have something to do with that. Maybe he meets. I have no idea in the comics. Wonderman has brainwaves and his brainwaves are transferred into vision. And that's why vision is in love with Wanda to give you an explan.

So I don't, I don't know how they make this work for this universe, but Hey, whatever I'm again, if they announced that this is a thing happening, expect a stealth reveal in that series somewhere, cuz they're not just gonna do this series for no reason. This one. This ain't even the craziest one y'all but this, this one.

Okay. Secret world war Hulk, uh, a secret world war Hulk series that is happening because they can't do the movies because universal has the rights to the movies. And for some reason they just won't. Give the, I don't know, they won't let Marvel make a movie with the universal thing. They just won't let it happen, even though they could just keep some of the rights and just let Marvel make it.

And then they get a percentage. I don't know why they're not doing it, but so the universal. It's got some other stuff going on. I mean, they freaking doing the monsters with Rob zombie directs the monsters, which looks absolutely. I go look up the trailer for the monsters after this, the monsters after, after this, because you don't wanna stop this podcast for that.

Okay. I'm just gonna let you know that when you see you're like, this is, this looks like a fan film. It looks, it looks weird, but I wanna watch it. They dumped it on Netflix. Universal didn't even put it on peacock. Anyway, that is beside the. they have the rights to Hulk. Marvel wants to do Hulk. So they're gonna do like an, uh, I was put, say animated series.

It's not animated a Disney plus series, a four part Disney plus series. And you need, you might need more than four parts. I'm not sure, but a four part Disney plus series who's gonna be involved. Nobody knows this is a strict, strictly a. A straight rumor. Nobody knows what, what this is. I could see it happening.

The problem with it is okay. Here's, here's what they're trying to solve with this rumor. People want Hulk, they don't want professor Hulk. The closest thing they want to professor Holk is professor ho like not the Holk that they. They want a mixture. Hulk fans want a mixture. They either want a mixture where he goes Savage sometime most of the time.

And then he has Cnce or they just want Savage Hulk. Yes. That Hulk world breaker Hulk. We wanna see him wreck thing. We want Holk ultimate destruction on screen because Avengers, um, age of Tron was not enough. It was close. It was close since you can't make a film. And what do you do for this? Illuminati has been set up for multiverses, but there's no iron man.

There's no. Uh, why would you send him to. Outer space also, he's already been to outer space, like we've already done world war, Hulk, offscreen, kind of so on a Thor rag rock. So I don't know, I don't know what you do with this. He'll be an entirely different story. Just like civil war was a different story.

Just like probably the all new, all different thing that they're trying to do right now is probably gonna be different from the comics, at least a. And you can see that in th love and thunder. We still have not talked spoils for that, but we are gonna make a discussion for that. And miss Marvel separately together.

I don't know. It's Marvel. It's Marvel week. Apparently this next rumor. It's the last one I'm gonna talk about cuz this the last, last one that really screamed out to me. I don't know what's up with this. I guess the boys is really popular even though he. G and Carlo Esposito's acting goes past the boys.

It goes back to breaking bad and a whole bunch of other things. The Mandalorian, even before that, the first time I remember seeing G and Carlo Esposito was in the get down for Netflix and he was perfect. He was like a. So the first time I saw Esposito, he was somebody's father. He was very stern. He did, he, he did great in that series.

And if you haven't watched the get down, you should watch it. It's it's tragic because it does not have an ending because the people that were making the show, uh, they couldn't make the third season because Netflix was like, ah, we're done. And it's about a coming of age story. So the people that were playing the characters are now like grown.

So they can't even do that. So, but Esposito was great in that series. He's also great in breaking bad. He's great in man. Delore he? He is the boys. Obviously the rumor is this man who talk like this. He's also Lex Luther in, uh, Harley Quinn animated series. This supposedly is playing Charles Xavier. This keep in mind.

Gus from breaking bad Edgar from the boys G and Carlo Esposito as Charles Xavier. I don't know if I buy that. Okay. I I've seen him as a dad. He's still a little too stern and standoffish for me to be Charles X. , but I haven't seen all, all of his work, all of his work at all, because the first thing, the, the youngest I've seen him in, y'all have to, excuse me, cuz I'm doing this off the top of my head.

The youngest I've seen him is when he was in that Stephen King movie. And I learned about that three or four months ago. That is the youngest I've ever seen. Gene Cala Esposito. And he was a bit part, not big B I. A bit part in that movie. It was, it was the one with the green Golin Steven Spielberg. I cannot remember the name of that movie, but it was apparently terrible.

I say, apparently I've watched reviews on it. It's a weird, it's weird. But apparently Steven King was on cocaine when he was doing it. So that explains a lot, but that is the youngest I've seen him. You can look the, look that up on YouTube, see him in that. And he was playing kind of just like. Young man.

That's that's it. But that's the closest thing I've seen to him playing a normal person other than being a stern character. So as Charles Xavier, I don't know, man. that would be interesting. It'll be interesting. But let's talk about what they're actually showing at at SDCC. You can expect some, she HOK because she hope comes out literally next month August.

And I can't wait to see what that is. There's gonna be some stealth reveals in that too, but they probably won't be that stealthy considering we're hearing, we're hearing. that Charlie Cox Daredevil. Matt Murdoch is gonna be in, she Holk that's the rumor. She ho is a lawyer. All right. Attorney at law like Birdman it's it's completely possible.

We're also hearing Ritters Jessica Jones. Might show up in. She hope that would be very interesting. We, we already got Tim Roth. You might as well. just bring the whole, bring everybody back. I wish William hurt was still alive and with us, cuz I would wanna see his role in the thunderbolts. I would wanna see his character arc.

um, you can expect Wakanda forever. I have no idea what this movie's gonna be at all. I have no clue. Uh, Chadwick has left us and Daniel Kalu. He's not gonna be in it, but he wasn't a big part anyway, because he was just a COE's, um, unsatisfied husband in the first movie that kind of betrayed to Chala. So he's not gonna be in this, but it's cuz he did.

Nope. And I'm here. Nope is good. So there might have been a betrayed. I don't know what this movie is. I don't think we're gonna have a new black Panther by the end of it. Part of me doesn't think that I don't think cuz they said they're not re casting to child. So Hey, you know, there's rumors that they're gonna have a, a strange child storyline where.

He had a child to Chala, had a child and nobody knew about it and he becomes the black Panther. I don't want that. I would rather, you just not make the movie at all. I would rather you just skip this entirely. I would rather you just end what kind of forever with no black Panther. uh, like honestly put in a post credit scene.

Look, I don't want that to happen. Okay. so that's my main point here, but we have to have, we have to pave a way forward. We do know that iron heart is in that movie and that NA more is in that movie. So somebody has to fight. Somebody has to fight guardians three. You can expect to see, or I say, guardians.

Guardians three or the Christmas special from James Gunn, you can expect to see at SDCC who was playing Adam warlock. There are rumors that some person is playing Adam warlock. I don't mean any disrespect. I just do not remember his name, but when I saw him, he looks like an Adam warlock. So, Hey, how do they reconcile that?

Do we see who plays Adam Morelo or do we see. The Christmas special footage, Christmas in July, maybe. Is that what we're doing? Also, these, these specials that they're doing, we need, we need these to do something. Don't just throw something out there as if it's a freaking ride at Disney world. Oh, look at this.

It was, it was it cannon? It could be good. Don't don't do that crap. Okay. Cause we got a Halloween special coming. Supposedly it's whirl worth by night. Also, supposedly we get a moon night in there also, supposedly, supposedly this is to keep this to yourself. Okay. This is, this is, this is great. A stuff.

Keep this to yourself. Okay. Cuz this may or may not be real, but if it's real man, so just, just, just chill out on it. All right. Supposedly blade Maher. Ali blade is gonna show up in the Halloween special. Supposedly, supposedly, supposedly don't take my word for it. That's what I hear. That's what I hear. And if that happens, whoa.

Yes, the marvels you can expect to see because it comes out. Year and miss Marvel just ended on a cliff anger, the, the post credit scene. It didn't end on a cliff anger. It ended very well. And the post credit scene set up a cliff anger for the marvels. So we're gonna see what that's gonna be like. It's I wanna see from this movie, how we deal with Monica Rambo and how she looks.

Carol Danvers, miss Marvel, versus how Kamala Kahn looks and feels about Carol Danvers. Miss Marvel, because they are very different. If you go back and you watch one division, you'll see how she feels, how Monica feels about miss Marvel. And if you go back and watch miss Marvel, obviously, you know her, name's miss Marvel, uh, about captain Marvel.

Excuse me. I can't wait to see Monica's reaction to Kamala. I can't wait to see it. Deadpool three. I wanna see this. I have heard no rumors that it's gonna show up, but I'm, I feel like we're getting to about that time. Okay. We've already said mutation. Like we're getting to about the time where, Hey, where's Ron Reynolds, man.

Cuz Deadpool two was like 500 years. Feels like it's about time. It's about time. So that's what I wanna see. I don't know if they're showing up. That's what I wanna see. And a little fun fact, before we move on to the next topic, the director of th three Taka white TTI did not know that there will be a Thor four.

He has not signed on for Thor four. He did not know that that would. Until he watched Thor three and got to the end where it said Thor will return. You know, who else didn't know? Thor didn't know that there will be a Thor four Chris Hemsworth did not know he from Hal Taka explains it. They were watching it, that came up and he was like, yo, they're making a thought fall.

And then these great Sims workers. Well, Tiger's like, yeah, it's right there. Throw over a tent. Chris is like snooze to me. it's like, I don't know what Marvel's doing, man. Bob ick. What are you doing? I don't know what we had these problems with Bob Erman. That's all I'm saying. Anyway. Anyway, if you're somewhere where you can comment on this, let me know what you think about what you wanna see at SD.

Comic con, let me know what you want. Phase four to turn out to be. Where is Dr. Doom? there's also a rumor. I'm not gonna say that one, but it, it deals with Dr. Doom. Okay. It deals with Dr. Doom. I. being a villain behind a villain. So I, I wanna see that. That's all I gotta say onto the next one. See, y'all this weekend in SDCC our second topic for the media today and the rest of these topics, pretty much gonna be animated for the media.

Try gun stampede. as you, as you may not know, as you may or may not know this one is not getting edited by the way, this podcast is not gonna get edited as heavily. Cuz I got something to do after this, but as you may or may not know, I am a try gun fan it's right there beside outlaw star and cowboy BBO and all, you know, the anime quality itself.

It differs from cowboy BBO, but I love tri. In its own way, the old tri gun they're making tri gun stamped, marketed as a whole new story for trigon. I looked at the trailer, they're doing a 2d, 3d thing like 3d, but it looks 2d, but you can tell it's 3d because of how it's animated. I'm not sure I dig it.

I'm not sure I dig it. I'm not sure I dig it. It's about his long lost brother, too. VASH. The stamped had a long lost brother apparently, and the original creator has something to do with this. So maybe the story will be good. Who knows? But the CG looks iffy. It looks very breath of the wild it's by studio orange.

They did the animation for SF Fox zero video game dimension, w and B stars. Just to name a few. And it's coming out in 2023 on crunchy roll. I don't know, guys. I look at the trailer and I'm like, okay. I see where you're going long, lost brother, possibly good fights in the anime. I don't know how this animation, how it's moving.

I don't, I don't know if I'm gonna enjoy that and you, I can't, it's hard to explain. It's kind of, it's kind of jumpy, junky, uh, not necessarily junky, just a little stuttered. Does that make sense for the animation? It's a little stuttered and it's important, cuz this is an action. So I'm gonna hold my breath.

Okay. uh, as opposed to not holding my breath, cuz I have some hope for this, but it looks weird. And for the last media topic this week, it's gonna be another short one, but Jojo. Good vibe, Jojo stone ocean part two. Finally, let me tell y'all y'all left me off on some BS stone ocean part two is coming out September 1st, 2022.

As of this recording episodes 13 2 24. My question is. Is this, the last part is this the last part of this part? cause this is Jojo part six. So this is part two of part six. This is what stone ocean is. And I have read the manga. This is Jojo. Got me back into reading manga so far. It's just been Jojo and I've done a little B stars.

I still gotta catch up on B stars, but Jojo is it? It has a hole. Such a grip on my soul. And I love Jolene the Bain character of stone ocean she's. I was about to say Joe SC, but not quite. She is related to Joe SC isn't she, uh, he got kept out, but she is Joe TH's daughter. And I, I just, I just love this girl.

I love this character and I loved her in the manga and they did her justice in the anime. The person that plays her in Japanese is a fan of Jojo. The person that plays her in English is a fan of Jojo. Her name's Kira Bucklin for the English one. I cannot remember the Japanese say use name, the voice actress's name for the one in Japan, but Kira Bucklin.

Voices her in English. And not only is she an amazing voice, that's exactly how I heard Jojo in my head when I was reading it. But she also is a prominent online voice actor. She works on and offline don't get me wrong, but she helps people with their voice acting online. She has a whole forum it's voice acting club.

I don't know if they've changed it, but it's voice acting club. It used to be voice acting Alliance, I believe, but she's been doing this for years, so I've known her from the forums and now to see her come to fruition this way, she's been voicing characters for years, and I'm talking about video games, other anime for, for forever, but she's been a judge O.

So it's great to see this. My question for this part is, and everybody is pissed at Netflix because of how they divvied up the production was that David production, the production studio that makes Jojo is David production. Did David production choose that? Or did Netflix choose that? I'm, I'm pretty sure it was Netflix.

They don't need to do this again. because everything else comes all comes out at once. So next. Netflix. Just, just wait for you the animated to be done, especially if it's Jojo, cuz it has a rabid fan base. These parts come every three to five years. So maybe just drop it all at once. I don't know, but it kinda ruined the online discourse for, they say that, but like I said, this is the first Jojo in which I've read the manga before we get to the anime.

And the reason I wanna know if this. End of it is because the end of the manga is absolutely insane. And I have been wondering, ever since they announced Jojo ever since I watched the first part of this, how they are going to handle the ending, because people who don't read the manga are gonna be like, what is happening right now?

Like and it's just in time too, for, for all the, um, I won't say it. I won't say that word that I wanna say, cuz that's kind of a spoiler. You can probably figure out what's gonna happen after that. But for those of y'all who know what I'm talking about, who, who know about this, how do you think they're gonna handle.

Because there are a lot of copyrighted characters. A lot of them y'all in that last part. I guess they just switch all the names around in it. Like they go to, I'll say this, cuz they're already in Florida. That's where part, one takes place. Okay. Of part six, they go to Cape Canaveral and there is a place near Cape Canaveral.

If you've been to. That they heavily heavily reference that they will not be able to reference. And I've been wondering how they're gonna handle this forever. So I can't wait to see it. I cannot wait to see it. I hope they don't dilute it, but I am curious, I, another reason I'm wondering why, why we've DED us up into parts like this and how many episodes per part, and what's gonna be included in what is because eventually.

They're gonna make DVDs, DVDs. What am I a boomer they're gonna make? What am I a millennial? Yes. They're going to make Blueray and if I have to buy part one of part six and then part two of part six, and then kind forbid they announce a part three or a to end this, we're gonna have a Mo there's a siren coming through to end this.

We're gonna have a movie. The God forbid because each of those blue rays is gonna cost you both $60. So don't do this to us, Netflix or David production. Just give it just, just, just do it. Just, just give it all it in one set, please. I need my money before we get. Final topic. And this is for the gaming of the tech news.

Before we get to our final topic, I just wanna congratulate dot E EMU. I think it's dot EMU, but I wanna say dot emo because emos, I like emos. Congratulations to you guys. And the publish publish publishing publisher tribute games. Teenage mutant ninja turtles, shredders, revenge hit 1 million cells in launch week.

And this is a game I've played once. It looked fun. I'm not a, I'm not a beat 'em up person. Like I used to be. I beat 'em up game person. No, I beat people up. I'm not a beat 'em up game person. Like I used to be growing up, but this game is a great game and I didn't know when it was coming. I knew about it as it was being developed.

I never knew when it was coming out. And a lot of people apparently did not know either. So it's amazing that it hit 1 million sales in one week that shows you the power of the ninja turtles. Congratulations to Nickelodeon as well. For purchasing the ninja turtles years ago, Viacom, whatever, cuz that was a good purchase.

This is kind of like a franchise that you can just keep doing things with and different things comics. And there's another, there's a CG movie for teenage ninja turtles coming. Another one, there is a rise of the ninja turtles movie that was based on the show that got canceled that is coming. So there's a lot going on with ninja turtles y'all and I just.

I'm just so proud. Cause we had a dearth of ninja turtles, like in the early, after that movie came out, the, the CG, when that was like 20, 20, uh, 2009 or something, 2008, somewhere like that, it just went stagnant until Viacom bought 'em and they were like, Hey, we finna make some money off of this and good on you for doing that.

So congratulations. Good work guys. Keep it up. And that collection that you're making better be fire. For our last topic, Nintendo . This is gaming news because Nintendo is a gaming company, but just like last week we talked about PlayStation starting their own PlayStation productions. We have a God of war series.

We have a grant Tomo movie. We have a Jack and Dexter flick coming. Then I was like,

Here we go. They now own dynamo pictures. I didn't know who they were before this I say now own, but they have made motions to acquire Japanese studio, dynamo pictures, animation studio. Dynamo pictures. And that acquisition will be done in October 20, 22. What films could they make? Well, let me start off by asking you, what do you know of dynamo?

Do you know what they've done? I haven't seen them do their own. Holistic work, but they have done work on the rebuild of Evan Gallion, 2.0 movie ghost in the shell standalone complex 2045, which I still need to watch as a ghost in the shell fan. I'm trying to watch all ghosts in the shell things. They did some work on resident evil, infinite darkness.

Yeah. And and dragon ball, super superhero. I heard a lot of complaints about that animation on there. So we'll see what happens with Nintendo's influence. They did mocap dynamo did mocap for games like persona five. Death stranding and the near replicate remake. And they helped make the pigment short movies for Nintendo in 2014.

So they've worked with Nintendo before. Now that all said, Nintendo is gonna own these people. that sounds terrible. Nintendo is gonna own these. These resources, let's say that these assets and I was following I say was as if I stopped, but I still do. I follow a podcast. Excuse me. I hit the table. Don't stop hitting the table.

I follow a podcast that is primarily movie focused. So when it comes to games, they may not know all the things, but when the movies and the games cross over, they talk about the games they got onto this news about Nintendo, possibly making movies soon. And they named nothing but super Mario nothing but super Mario properties to make movies out of.

And it was killing. I said, yo, I need to talk about this on my podcast, because one person was like, yo, if they made a super Mario movie, I'm like, yeah. You know, you know? Yeah, sure. They already doing that, but sure. And then they went around the table. They should make a Yoshis island though. Yoshi's. Story movie.

I said, that's super Mario. Or if they make a Luigi's mansion that super Mario, they could make a Mario card movie. That's super Mario I'm like, yo y'all only know Mario. And the other one, one of them was like, and legend of Zelda. They could make a I'm like, yes. Okay. The only next obvious choice. Sure.

Absolutely. They had one guy. I'm gonna say him by name Ray or. Who is my boy who says, I, I, I am not too into this stuff, but Hey, they made a star Fox movie. I'm like, finally, somebody's thinking outside the box, a star Fox movie, we can do that. We already have animated assets from, uh, I think dynamo actually.

So we're actually, um, the people that are doing tri gun, we have animated assets for Starfox already, so we could easily do that. Let me tell y'all, here are what I think it's gonna, one of these is gonna be obvious. People that know me, all the things that have been mentioned, one of these is gonna be obvious.

You already know what I'm about to say Nintendo. I don't care if it's animated. I don't care if it's CG. I don't care if it's 2d. I don't care if it's 3d. I do not care if it's live action. You understand me, Metro needs something. This is a perfect opportunity for you Nintendo to take these other franchises.

That for some reason, you refuse to give chances or give to third parties, not for them to buy it, but for them to make games for it, like to license out your characters for some reason. Well, whatever this is your chance. Make a Metro eight movie short film. You can make a cartoon, a mini series for Netflix.

You can, you there's so many things you can do. Here's what I would do. If they say our resources are limited and we can only make like one. okay. Not in all, but for Metro. Okay. You're gonna make a Metro 55 minute movie and you're gonna release it on Netflix or anywhere you're gonna release it somewhere as a digital streaming thing.

What you're gonna do. you're gonna attach merch to that product, to that project. You're gonna attach products to that project and you're going to make extra money and you're going to, at the same time for the people that don't wanna, I don't wanna play Metro ed. It looks too complicated. I don't okay.

They can watch the movie cause it has a story. All of. Things have a story. Samis has an entire tragic backstory and reason for her powers and the suit and everything. All of that could be a trilogy, a trilogy that could be two trilogies. That could be three trilogies, her ongoing rivalry with Ridley, mother, brain protecting a Metro.

All of this stuff. is it's ripe. It's ripe for actors to draw out the latent material. If you give them a chance. Okay. Let's look past Detroit and past S Fox. Okay. Let's look past pigment. What else do they have? But let's look past legend, Nazel and super Mario. What else do they. F zero anime, which y'all already kind of did just do it again.

Do it again because you already have a precedence for it. F zero anime. Y'all already got a Kirby show Kirby right back at Y. Okay. You already, it was silly, but you already have precedent for this. People know what that is. You can make a Kirby, something else or another, I don't know about an animated movie or not.

I don't know what else do they have? Y'all. they have everything. Look at earthbound. Look at the deep richness of a story that earthbound could have. Now I'm trying to think live action, cuz I think earthbound all these things I'm thinking, I'm thinking those could be animated other than Metro and legend is Zelda.

Everything else is, is pretty much animated. I'm trying to think of another. Live action thing that they can make. They have so many properties. I'm going down the list in my head. Also, they started people started naming things like Sylvania and, uh, no way out. And it takes two and I'm like, bruh, that's not even Nintendo.

Like that's a third party. they, they literally are like, oh man, I played ghoul and Golans on the NES. So Nintendo might own. No, no. Do your research do your history? I was so disappointed y'all in this podcast. I was so disappointed, but that's beside the point. What other movie things couldn't Nintendo make, I'm looking down the list for and all of these characters that they have.

Zelda could be its own short film. to see how she grew. And it kind of was in breath of the while you see how she grew up in her, what she had to go through as a princess and the, oh, the shackles of royalty. There's so many things you can do then to know what you gonna do. You gonna hire me. That's what you gonna do?

You gonna hire me? And then Kevin fly. You gonna find my podcast and he's gonna be an interview. So I can, uh, write one of their movies or be a cameo in Marvel phase five. That's what's gonna happen. That's what's gonna happen. word is bond. You say it with me. That's what's gonna happen, baby. Guys, that wraps up another episode of panel frames.

I know this one was a long one, but there was a lot of information to disseminate and I want to thank you for sitting through. And if you want to continue to support this podcast, you can download the show to your Android iOS device. And let me tell you, you can follow and share the podcast with your other nerds.

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We've been on a spaceship, my spaceship, I still don't have a name for it. So maybe you can help me with that. But I wanted to let you know, we will soon be having guests on this podcast. They won't be here with me. I'll have to beam a satellite. Image down to them and they can beam theirs back up to me.

And we're gonna have other perspectives here. If you wanna know how you can be on this podcast, I need you to get a discord or some other way to record your take on any of the news that we have, because I'll give you the subjects before you have to talk about it, obviously, and we can put you. Anywhere on any of these podcasts and you have a higher chance of getting selected if you have subscribed to our email list.

so with that being said, this has been your ferocious Fox Fox ferocious on panel of frames. And we will be back next Wednesday. Whoa, man. I wanna do a discussion thing this weekend. I don't know if we'll get to it, but I wanna do a Thor and love and thunder th in thunder. S spoiler discussion. I wanna do a MIS Marvel S spoiler discussion.

I don't know if we'll get to it this weekend, but you can guarantee that I will be back next Wednesday. And boy, I am looking forward to coming to you guys later. Stay Crimson.

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Panel of Frames is a nerdy podcast about comic book movies, new and retro video games, action-packed anime OVAs and the industries that make em!

Listen to nerdy reviews and industry news from fellow nerds and guests whose passion for "geek culture" grants them a unique perspective on topics like animation, tv shows and comics.

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