Secret Wars? Incursions? Thunderbolts? DR DOOM?! What does the Marvel Cinematic Universe have in store for its audience? Let's speculate!
Also...Sony has a whole film production company now! Will the future Playstation films and TV shows top the Tom Holland Uncharted movie? What in the world are they gonna do with Twisted Metal and Gran Turismo??
Join us as we break it all down!
Panel of Frames Episode 02 Full Transcription
All right. You seen Dr. Strange. You seen miss Marvel, you seen wa division. How does this all connect? What is the MCU phase? Four. Kevin Figi said we should know pretty soon. So let's talk about that. And let's talk about where they're going with MCU phase four. After that we gotta talk about the PlayStation movies.
That's right. PlayStation films, PlayStation productions, you saw uncharted came out. You were like, wasn't that a video game? Yes, it was a video game and there is more coming. There is a grant to Remo, a Jack and Dexter. I'll let you know what's going on. Stay tuned. Welcome to Pamela frames.
Welcome back to the panel of frames podcast. I am your host Fox Ciro, and, uh, we had a bit of an interruption, but we're back on track. We post new episodes from now on every Wednesday and Friday. In the middle of that, we're gonna try to do some audio commentaries. Uh, I did an audio commentary for miss Marvel from the, the last week's episode.
And we're gonna do it again for this week's episode. And we're also gonna do an audio commentary for the boys this week. So stay tuned for that on the podcast page. But today, as you heard in the intro, we're gonna be talking about pretty much movies all the way through. We usually do movies, TV shows, and then video games.
But today we're gonna put some little video gaming. This. Into the movie ness. Okay. Before I get started, you could support the show by five starring and reviewing it, or, you know, follow and share the podcast, subscribe to the podcast, RSS feed, wherever you can. And we're working on a website still. It's gonna be great.
You guys are gonna love it. I mean, it's gonna be pretty simple. It's just gonna be the podcast on there, but eventually we're. Some bonus material for you there. So we appreciate your support. Our first topic is about MCU phase four. Where are they going with this? I still haven't seen black widow. That's a phase four movie, but it should have been a phase two movie.
Okay. That's a fact, but I know you saw Sean. She. It's likely they, if you listen to this, you saw sh she, you saw the Eternals. All right. Maybe because a lot of people were not going to see that movie. I wouldn't see that movie. I enjoyed it. I don't remember most of the characters, but I enjoyed it. And then you saw everyone saw Spider-Man no way home.
And we were like, oh, we are, we're heading into multiverse things. Really what's what's gonna happen is secret wars, maybe secret wars. And then you saw Dr. Dr. Strange in the multiverse madness. And he were like, yo, is that John? John Kozinski? He's playing Reed, maybe no encouraging secret wars. Oh, well, Kevin Figgy a week ago, about a week, about a week ago today, Kevin faggy came out and said our plans for phase four and five in the next saga should be very clear in the coming months or in the coming after the coming films.
I can't remember the I'm paraphrasing here. So the next films coming up as of this recording tomorrow, th love and thunder, and apparently there's a huge. mid credit scene, apparently. So that looks interesting or it sounds interesting cuz I haven't seen it. I can't wait to go see it in November black Panther, Wakanda forever.
This their reports of, I say reports. It used to be reports. Now it's full on confirmed. Just about nay more the sub Marin. Finally showing up NA Moore, for those of you that don't know is marvels Aquaman, who is more of a Dick than Arthur Curry. He's the first mutant, uh, I guess confirmed. He's not really the first in, in Canon because of, uh, apocalypse from X-Men.
So he says we're gonna see these things. Make sense pretty soon. All right. I still think Xmen is going to be a combination of things. I think the, the appearance of mutants and all this other stuff, and mutant discrimination is going to be a real mix because what I did not mention about Marvel phase four and where they, where they may or may not be going the television.
Are also included in this so wa division, which is, you know, multiverse, multiverse madness, by the way, Dr. Strange in the multiverse madness released on mother's day and multiverse madness. What are the initials? Om, in case you didn't notice the F and the winter soldier, which is probably going to lead to the thunderbolts, I guess they'll help out in secret wars who knows what's gonna happen with that low key season one, obviously time E Wyoming, uh, multiverse.
High JNK stuff. What if is obvious? Hawkeye was just a personal story, but it's also setting up the next Hawkeye in Kate Bishop. So young Avengers eventually, eventually Evangeline Lilly moon night, which is that has obvious world building God. This is how the God's work. This is how the DeeDee's work in the MCU.
And a lot of this seems very disparate, but it's obvious that they're going in a cosmic celestial. Does that mean we will be seeing Galati it's we gotta see 'em we gotta see Galactus at this point. We've seen so many celestial since the first one eon the searcher that was in guardians of the galaxy, the flashback.
We were like celestial, that looks like Galactus. And they were like, yeah. You know, he's kind of a, he is funny that you should say, say that maybe later on, maybe not. First fantastic for movie, but definitely, definitely down the line. So after black Panther universes are collapsing on top of one, another ant man, and the wasp quantum mania.
I have no idea what this movie is. I just know that KA the conqueror, we say that, let me stop myself. Who knows if it's king, the conqueror, who knows if it's the one king, the conqueror that we're thinking of in that movie, maybe one of the Kings, just one of them is in that movie. That's what I'm thinking.
I'm thinking that's a little more likely, but also quantum mania implies time travel or time, time. Wimy there's no. Telling what is in that movie after that guardians of the galaxy volume three, I have no concept did my voice just auto tuned by itself. I have no concept of this movie at all or anything after ant man and the, and the wasp.
I have no concept for cuz the only other two after that are the marvels. and fantastic. Four. And of course I knew that Kevin Figgy is such a nerd, a geek that he could not resist putting fantastic four in phase four, even if it's the last phase four movie. He's like, if it's the last thing I do, fantastic.
Four is gonna be in phase four. That's that's great. I know he did it on purpose. I know it. I know he was eyeing phase four too. When they started numbering the phases, he was like, okay, by this time we better be able to do fantastic for, so the TV series is gonna keep going with those. Keep going with those miss Marvel, which is happening right now.
It has a lot of cosmic energy. That's gonna connect to the marvels, but it has a lot of cosmic energy flowing through it. After that she Holk attorney at law. So also that gives me bird man vibes. Every time I read it, which is probably on purpose. So she hook that's gonna lend more to the thunderbolts and probably more to the Daredevil, the reported quote, unquote.
You say confirmed Daredevil series Daredevil series. Probably not coming until phase five. I don't see it on this list, but it's probably not coming until phase five, this and the D ODC, which is the department of damage control who monitors super superheroes or I guess super humans or. Metas. I know that's DC, but anything that catch that peaks their interest, any human that is not completely human, that they see there's acting completely human or with completely human identities and abilities.
They're going to monitor you if you are showing some, some weird abilities. I think that's a precursor to the X. Because you can already see them mistreating super humans, damage control. I mean, you can already see them mistreating them in. Spider-Man no way home when they basically we're going to shoot you.
Spider-Man we don't care if you're saving that woman or if you've killed her, we're gonna shoot you. If you don't surrender. Like they were pretty brutal on Peter. The D ODC is also brutal on Ms. Marvel. Right now they're shooting first. And questions later. And I think the thunderbolts is going to add fuel to that fire.
Eventually it's going to lead to a discrimination against powered people, superpowered people. And I think that sets up X-Men, but I don't know how they do those storylines from here, but maybe it'll make sense when it pops up. The guardians of the galaxy holiday special is a just, it just seems like it's just a holiday.
Special, but watch them put something in there. that's like, what does this mean? This is cannon. So what does this mean? Watch? I don't expect big things outta that though. Secret invasion with semi L Jackson, but it's during the blip. So semi L Jackson got BLI, right? Or is it when everybody comes back? I don't know which it sounds like it's when he gets BLI.
So it sounds like it's gonna be a lot of scroll things happening. So I don't know. I wanted it to be a Nick fury series. imposter Nick fury, but whatever iron heart armor wars and, uh, a Wakanda series, I don't know. I don't know where this goes after that for the TV shows, like, I don't know where this goes.
We all assume they're leading to secret wars. Secret wars. You can't do secret war stuff. Dr. Doom. Yeah, you can yes, you can. Sorry at the MCU. Yeah, you can. All you gotta do is switch the rolls around in this case, it seems like KA, the conqueror is going to be the central antagonist of secret wars. It seems like that.
No, I gotta keep saying that. It seems. Like that, because phase four doesn't have to end with an Avengers movie. I think everybody's forgetting that too. Phase four does not have to end with an Avengers movie. They could have it go. Okay guys, we set things up in phase four here's phase five, and then phase five ends with an Avengers movie.
But other than that, I see them going in, in a secret wars, cosmic direction. What do you guys think? Like what, how could this, how do the God's dying? Because this affects a lot of stuff. Like the thing about the MCU is it of things affect things that you didn't think about. The fact that there's a professor X in a universe somewhere, what was that?
Earth? 8 38 universe, eight 30. He was killed by universe 616. And I hate that they did that because that's the comic book universe and not the film universe, but whatever film universe, 616, Wanda Maximov killed 8 38 professor Xavier. If he's professor Xavier. And he probably is because they played. That means that there is an entire group of X-Men now with a dead professor, X in a universe somewhere at a time where universes are collapsing on one another.
Do I need to explain the gravity of this situation. There could be a Colossus, a Cyclops, a Wolverine, God, help your enemies. If there is a Phoenix, Jean Gray, if she was going through the. Phoenix saga as they killed that version of professor X God help her enemies, bro. Wanda will be nothing next to the Phoenix force.
So there's a lot of consequences for a lot of things like Lokey, Lokey, the series that has a lot of consequences. Dude, they could go in any direction. I know you hear this a lot, but they can, they can go in any direction. My thing is. As long as they make it satisfying, everything will be good. Four, our second topic, we gotta talk about these PlayStation film projects.
Uh, PlayStation productions, I believe is the name of the film studio that is organizing these products projects. And yes, they are products, their film projects based on plays. Properties. And they started with uncharted, which I didn't go see it. I heard I didn't miss anything, but it made money. It made quite a bit of money.
In fact, with a budget of $120 million, uncharted made $401.7 million million million. And they had a post grade scene. So they're definitely gonna make a sequel. Tochar I don't know who's gonna direct it. I don't know. Um, I don't know if people are gonna go see it like they did, because number one, they gotta pay Tom Holland more.
And number two, y'all gotta go somewhere actually interesting with this, because I think most people went to see that movie just. Outta curiosity. And it was pleasantly surprising. That's what it seems, but that's not what I was, what I would be looking for for a uncharted movie. But regardless of what I think made plenty of money back, they'll do another one.
They have these other things. Some of them have been announced officially. And some of them have just been talked about like, kind of like a slick announcement, but there are some that you know about and some that you don't. So let's start with. Let's start with, uh, something that was actually canceled.
Something that was, uh, well, we assume it's canceled. There was work done on it, but nothing's gonna happen with it because of another movie slide Cooper, there was gonna be an animated slide. Cooper movie developed by Rainmaker. Rainmaker are the, is, are the people that did the reboot series back in the 90, that, that everybody loves.
I didn't. It's it's hard for me to watch it now, but the storylines are still really good. So maybe I'll just read scripts. They were in development with Rainmaker for a sly Cooper animated movie, but ratchet and clank, ratchet and clank came out and it did nothing because essentially ratchet and clank the movie.
It was just the games. Cut scenes. You could, you could buy the game for $65 and have a game plus plus the story that was in the movie. I mean, it. Only the games cut scenes. I guess what was in the middle of that was inconsequential because it didn't catch on, but slide Cooper was gonna be, uh, the next thing and it got it.
Got cut. So that was one, there is a grant Tomo movie. Yeah. Grant Tomo. And I was like, oh, they're gonna do like a racing, like, like a racing movie where there's a racer. It's reportedly gonna focus on a teenage grand Tomo player who uses his skills in the real world. It's like racing plus ready player one, except it's not virtual.
So that's, that's strange to me, but it could be directed by Neil BL camp. He made district nine directed district nine allium and chappy. I've seen none. I was supposed to watch district nine years ago and still haven't, but I want to heard it was great. Ghost of Sushma is coming eventually that doesn't have a date grant.
Teresa was coming out in 2023, by the way, ghost of Sushma does not have a date reportedly directed by Chad Toski. He directed all the John wick films. So this goes as man, you know, you know, that sounds good. They have a representative. That's gonna show up from sucker punch to help executive produce the film as well.
By the way, Chad STLs, the director, he also worked on some Buffy episodes. He was the stunt double for Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son on the Crow. After Brandon Lee, uh, was fatally shot. He was a stunt double for Brandon Lee. That's actually a crazy bit of trivia. The next one, Jack and Dexter directed by Ruben flesh.
He directed zombie land. He directed uncharted. He directed venom, but this time he is gonna be collaborated with naughty dog. Naughty dog seems pretty focused on the last of us. Speaking of the last of us, let's talk about these TV series. That's happening the last of us, 2023 that's that's that's coming very soon.
It's gonna be coming on HBO. Max, it's gonna have Pedro Pascal, who is the Mandalorian. He was also in Kings. I think, I think the second Kingsman, right? Yeah. He was the cowboy in the second Kingsman. He is going to be Joel and Bella Ramsey, who voices Hilda on Netflix. She's going to be LA. So that's gonna be interesting when they first announced the casting.
I was like, man, this dude, I don't know. And then, you know, I saw him in other things and I was like, well, he can act , that's all I require. So that's, that should be fine. And, and Bella looks perfect for Ellie twisted metal series. A twisted metal series on peacock. Now this is one I know y'all have heard about at least some of y'all have heard about you heard it's gonna be executive produced by Falcon himself, Anthony Mackey.
He he's been in black mirror as well, but Falcon, captain America, captain Falcon, whatever you wanna call him, Anthony Mackey is supposed to be executive producing it, twisted meadow. That's crazy. It you're like that's a crazy choice to be executive producing, but you gotta think Anthony Mackey is a Len.
So he grew up with twisted metal, so it makes sense. And he is playing a character, I believe in it. Here's the thing that they didn't tell you. All right. It's gonna be produced by 11 other people. This series could be amazing, but more, more often than not. When you have more than three producers on something, uh, it turns into just wild, which might be okay for twisted metal.
But I don't know, it turns into some wild. It might be a cluster. Fuck. I'm not gonna lie to you. It's it's kinda like having 15 writers. So then you have 84 plot lines in one story. it doesn't really work as well as we think it does. And in this series, Samoa, Joe is physically playing sweet tooth. Like the, the clown with the fire on his head.
The one that you always see on twisted metal Samoa, Joe , he's gonna be Samoa, Joe. I think it works the best part about it is cuz at first I was like Samoa. Playing sweet tooth, man. I don't know. He's not voicing sweet tooth will Arnet . This makes me laugh. BoJack himself Lego. Batman will. Arnet is voicing sweet tooth.
One of the Lego Batman is voicing sweet tooth. So I, man, look, let me, let me read off this list of executive producers for you though. First executive produced by will ANet, mark Forman, Herman Holst, Anthony Mackey, Peter Princey aside, Kissel bash. I hope that I said that right. Red Reese. Catal Sacharai Michael Jonathan Smith.
Jason SP Carter Swan and Paul Warnick are producing this. So I cannot wait to see it. It's probably gonna be, it's gonna be crazy, man. Twisted metals. Crazy. So we'll see, but
God of war. Which I thought was gonna be a, which I thought was going to be a movie. Did, did y'all not hear of a God war movie that was being ridden, but I guess they turned it into a series. So Hey, it might, it might still work. We have no info on it, except that it's going to be on Amazon prime video, which sounds like a perfect place for it.
They can get really violent and horizon. At Netflix, they probably should have had a tagline in addition to horizon, cuz there's it's, it's about horizon zero Dawn y'all know that video game, but it's just called horizon. And it makes me think of, uh, Facebook meta cuz you know, they have a VR meta thing called horizon and it's that could be potentially confusing because they both look like video games.
So maybe, maybe add a tagline onto that. It probably won't be horizon by the. Because we don't have any info, which means it's still being developed. So when they have a script and a story, they might find that a relevant subtitle subtitle for the movie. So, yeah, that's, that's all of the PlayStation produced by PlayStation projects that we got so far coming out.
I'm surprised they didn't put the metal gear solid movie on here, but I guess it's technically not PlayStation cuz snake has been on smash bros and some MOS what's what video game deserves. A movie from PlayStation a PlayStation exclusive. Now that's the thing I I'm trying to think. Tacking the power that had a TV show.
It has president. I'm trying to think of a PlayStation exclusive a spiral movie, a spiral movie could work, right. We already, they already had tomb Raider. They don't need to do that again. they really don't a spiral movie. And I know they're kind of burnout on the, uh, animated. They're making Jack and Dexter.
Maybe if Jack and D Jack and Dexter does well, they'll do spiral or spy Cooper, spy, Cooper, spiral, Orly Cooper is spiral exclusive anymore. Either way. They, I think they can do it. I think they got the right to do it. They don't need to do another tech in movie. They don't have a ton of exclusives, but I think a spiral movie would work.
And that is another show in the books. Thank you. For listening to what is this episode? Two episode two of the panel of frame's news podcast. Here's what you gotta do. You've gotten this far, you've already downloaded the show pretty much to your Android and iOS device. Give me five stars. give them to me.
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That's right. You have something to listen to on the way home, but that is it. This has been your host box OUS. Make sure you live strong. Game on and state Crimson.
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